Category: National Capital Region

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CDRC conducts virtual tabletop exercise for the ‘Big One’

CDRC conducts virtual tabletop exercise for the ‘Big One’

CDRC conducts virtual tabletop exercise for the ‘Big One’ The Philippines frequently experiences seismic and volcanic tremors since it is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a vast Pacific Ocean region where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In recent months, we experienced a series of earthquakes that shook various parts...


Make a difference. Volunteer for CDRC!

#CDRC partners with #iVolunteer in the 2nd #GO Volunteer, a two-day volunteer expo dedicated to spreading #volunteerism nationwide by connecting individuals, non-profit organizations, advocacies, and companies to find each other — happening this coming April 6 and 7, 2019, at the Glorietta Activity Center Palm Drive. Visit our booth and learn about various volunteer opportunities our organization offers.


Discover your bliss. Be a CDRC volunteer!

#CDRC partners with #iVolunteer in the 2nd #GO Volunteer, a two-day volunteer expo dedicated to spreading #volunteerism nationwide by connecting individuals, non-profit organizations, advocacies, and companies to find each other — happening this coming April 6 and 7, 2019, at the Glorietta Activity Center Palm Drive. Visit our booth and learn about various volunteer opportunities our organization offers.