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Exercise your right to make a difference: Examining the human-aspect of ‘natural’ disasters in the Philippines

A revolution in how we view our environment is needed. This concept extends far past any country’s borders. Issues can no longer be viewed as individual events with easily measurable impacts. We live in a closed-system environment and within it everything is interconnected. This system includes more than just our natural systems of water, air and land. It contains economies, global politics, women’s rights, education and well, everything. The energy behind the revolution is powered by humans, like you and me. Some feel this revolution is already happening. Are you part of it?


Into the Bokod and Itogon Mountains: Enhancing capacities and reducing vulnerabilities in disaster-prone communities

It was past 7 o\'clock in the morning of March 22 when we left Baguio and started traveling the mountain roads that will lead us to Bokod and Itogon. We were to learn about the impacts of Typhoon Pepeng (International name: Parma) in the villages, the response of the residents in these areas and the dangers that they continue to face.