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Photo Gallery: Soup and bread for Mayon children

Almost 400 children aged 9 months to 16 years old from Barangay Maninila staying inside the Travesia Elementary School Evacuation Center in Guinobatan, Albay, dined on soup and bread provided by TABI last December 27, 2009. These children have been staying in the evacuation center for almost two weeks now, since Mayon Volcano showed increased...


Photo Gallery: Relief delivery for Mayon evacuees

Tarabang para sa Bicol (TABI) distributed relief goods for the evacuees of Barangays Sua and Tumpa staying at the Baligang Elementary School in Camalig, Albay on December 23, 2009. This was in partnership with the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center (CDRC), and was supported by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) of Germany.