The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges to Filipinos in the past year, affecting communities in a multitude of ways: from the immediate health and economic impacts to changes in the people’s ways of living and working. The pandemic has complicated resilience-building. The situation in the country remains uncertain, with the spread of variants and the consequent lockdown measures being put in place to prevent another surge.
Addressing the health and socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 demanded a coordinated, decisive, innovative, and sustained action. It also further required reinvigorated action to address inequality, poverty, hunger, sickness; and to build greater resiliency, equity and inclusivity; in short, to advance community-based disaster management.
The pandemic has changed the way CDRC delivers its programs, with the regional centers and the disaster preparedness committees in the forefront, especially in emergency response. CDRC implemented a structured approach to survivor and community-led response by enhancing partnerships with the RCS, DPCs, other CSOs, and faith-based groups. CDRC also had to adjust its response operations, particularly for the typhoon season, by implementing projects while integrating COVID-19 safety protocols.
CDRC’s interventions would have not been possible were if not for the flexibility and dedication of its staff and partners. They quickly adapted to the situation, transitioned from on-site to virtual working arrangement, allowing them to continue to deliver their mandates. When needed, they deployed to the field amid the threats of inclement weather, insecurity and COVID-19 transmission to respond to the needs of the affected people. It is exactly this commitment to its vision that enabled CDRC to overcome the challenges inherent in its work.
As CDRC recognizes the substantial impact of its work, it remains cognizant of residual and emerging humanitarian and development needs that must be addressed. Building on the good practices and lessons learned, and working in solidarity with the regional centers and all its allies, CDRC will be able to forge a path towards recovery and sustainable development.
See full report here: 2021-CDRC-Annual-Narrative-Report.pdf (392 downloads )