On July 8, 2019, the Washington Group of Questions survey have started in three served-communities in the Municipalities of Camalig, Daraga and Sto. Domingo, Albay, project-areas of Andam Lahar Project. This is a four-day survey that aims to gather basic information from every household of each target barangay with family members aging 18 years old and above.
Prior to the survey, enumerators were hired and trained on how to conduct the said survey which was provided by Humanity and Inclusion(HI) and Simon of Cyrene, partners organization of CDRC. During the training, enumerators were already divided into groups according to their puroks/sitios. A team leader was assigned to lead their group and ensure that the data gathered are sent to the main database handled by HI. Each of the volunteers was given a target number of households (HHs) to be surveyed each day until the last day. The actual number of HHs reached by the volunteer after the four-day survey served as the basis for their monetary allowance.
CDRC, as part of the monitoring team, joins one of the teams from Lidong, Sto. Domingo, its project area in Albay. The community has a total of 858 households. Teams decide to divide the number of HHs per sitio so that it will be easier for them to identify the HH member since they are already familiar with them.
After their first day of survey, volunteers are then gathered to the Brgy. Hall to assess the problems they have encountered while conducting the survey. Some of the common problems met by the volunteers are searching for the GPS location of the house due to poor data connection, sending of forms to the cloud database, double entries of recipients, and proper file naming. One of the enumerators from Brgy. Lidong asks if they can interview those households who are 18 years old below since they have agreed during the training that only those who are 18 years old and above shall be surveyed regardless if he/she is already a head of the family. A separate questionnaire shall be established to accommodate and capture disability data of age under the set criteria.
The WGQ survey is one of the initiatives of the consortium to accommodate all the members of the community particularly those who have special needs when disasters strike. ####