July 21, 2018
Press Statement
The Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN), a national network of 17 humanitarian aid organizations in the Philippines, denounces the harassment of April Rose Avila, an Admin staff of #Disaster Response Center SOCSKSARGEN.
According to an incident report submitted to Citizens’ Disaster Response Center, Ms. Avila was accosted at 10:30 AM last July 18, 2018 by a certain JERSON GALLEGO. The latter claimed that he was a member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which was later verified by the local police station.
Ms. Avila was first accosted at KCC Mall in General Santos City by a certain REX GONZALES as she was on an errand at the LBC office. He said he was referred to her by Ms. Ann Rabang, chairperson of ABSNET SOCSKSARGEN, of which DIRECT is a member. Gonzales dogged Ms. Avila until they came upon Gallego, who was then introduced to her by the former. Gallego invited Ms. Avila for snacks, to which she refused. At the point, Gallego revealed that he was a member of the AFP. He told Ms. Avila that DIRECT was under surveillance because of their programs and services in the remote areas of the region during the El Nino event of 2016. He also asked Ms. Avila about CDRN and its network of NGOs, including Mindanao-based MISFI.
To Ms. Avila’s consternation, Gallego showed her pictures of family and relatives, staff of DIRECT, including a picture of Lorna Mora, the Secretary General of NAKASA (Nagkahiusang Kababayenhan sa Sarangani – a women’s rights organization in Sarangani). He questioned why DIRECT is well-known and referred to DIRECT’s work as “community seeeeee….rrrrr…. viiiiice” in a malicious tone.

Gallego warned Avila not to record the conversation or take photos but, despite being very nervous, she was able to take a photo of the former. Avila managed to get away from the two men and immediately boarded a jeep to Alabel, Sarangani. She fearfully observed that Gallego, Gonzales and three other motorcycle-riding men followed the vehicle she was riding on. She took note of the plate numbers of the two motorcycles: #PB58924 and and MA51698. DIRECT inquired with LTO the next day and found out that these two were not registered.
Avila reported to the DIRECT office and they did not see any sign anymore of the men following her. That afternoon, they went to the Alabel Police Station to file a blotter report. One of the policemen positively identified Gallego as an intelligence personnel of the AFP. Ms. Avila has been showing signs of anxiety since the incident.
CDRN asks President Rodrigo R. Duterte to investigate and put a stop to this spate of attacks on development workers. We call on the public and private sectors to protest the continuing harassment and red-tagging of those serving the poor in remote areas, who are the most vulnerable in times of disasters. Additionally, CDRN calls for the lifting of #Martial Law in Mindanao.
Stop #harassment of development workers!
Defend and protect humanitarian aid organizations!
Ms. Minet Aguisanda – Jerusalem
CDRN Chairperson
For more information, contact:
Maria Elena Serato
Research, Publication & Information Department
Citizens’ Disaster Response Center.
Tel #0906-586-1984.
Email: info@cdrc-phil.com.
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