Mankind has been witnessing devastations day by day at catastrophic proportions causing unprecedented loss of lives and properties the world over due to global warming and climate change, indicating how degraded the integrity and carrying capacity of Mother Earth. Yet, despite this condition, the Global Footprint Network reported that “we are demanding nature’s services using its resources and creating CO2 emissions – at a rate 44% faster than what nature can regenerate and reabsorb.” This explains why global warming and climate change worsen far faster than predicted.
In the Philippines, news reports have proven the country is among the world’s top disaster-prone to landslides, mudslides, flash floods, storm surge, tornadoes, earthquakes and long dry-spell being within the Western North Pacific Basin and within the Pacific Ring of Fire.
The Center for People’s Resources and Services, Inc. (CPRS), a non-stock, nonprofit, non-government development organization in the island of Negros believes that something has to be done to address the country’s vulnerabilities to calamities to save lives and properties.
CPRS envisions itself as a catalyst for change and among the prime-movers in the advancement of the care of Mother Earth and balanced ecology now increasingly threatened by global warming and climate change man-made calamities.
Lay the foundation for the capability-building of communities to respond effecting in times of calamities especially the susceptible ones through adaptation and mitigation measures that will minimize if not totally avoid the loss of lives and properties during disaster situations.
Develop the capacity of CPRS to efficiently and effectively assist the vulnerable communities to prepare and act decisively during calamities in the timely provision of relief and rehabilitation assistance to the calamity victims.
Motivate the people to act resolutely and decisively in the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of the environment as a decisive factor in addressing the catastrophic threats to humanity of the intensifying global warming climate change whose destructions are now increasingly becoming a day-to-day phenomenon worldwide.
Establish a broad front of environmentalist with a concerted program of action being implemented in the care of Mother Earth and in confronting the devastations posed by global warming and climate change.
1. Education and Trainings
- Develop the capacity of the communities, groups and people’s organizations working for the enhancement of ecological balance and biological biodiversity conservation.
- Facilitate the conscientization process and participation of sectors, groups and individuals on issues and concerns that affect the people’s well-being
- Raise the capacity of communities, groups and people’s organizations in the adaptation and mitigation before and during calamities
2. Relief and Rehabilitation
- Provide timely relief assistance to calamity victims to minimize their sufferings and possible loss of lives.
- Facilitate rehabilitation of communities hardly hit by disasters through the provision of recovery services alongside the spirit of self-reliance.
3. Networking and Advocacy
- Raise the people’s awareness on the status of the global environment and their significant role in confronting the issue.
- Forge friendly ties and linkages to worldwide environmentalists to achieve a broader, concerted, and effective action plans for the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of Mother Nature as a shared and indivisible responsibility of one another.
4. Research and Documentation
- Gather baseline data relevant to advocacy and care of Mother Earth
- Initiate the Community Resource Profiling of communities especially the vulnerable ones
5. Disaster Preparedness of Communities
- Facilitate the formation of Disaster Preparedness Committees and Sub-Committees in calamity-prone communities.
- Assist the communities in the identification and formulation of Counter Disaster Plans which include the possibility of evacuation to safer place on the basis Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (of the identified area).
- Assist the communities in the adaptation and mitigation of their vulnerabilities to minimize or avoid the of lives and properties during disaster situations.
- Assist the communities or people’s organizations in the identification of alternative sources of income in the face of the unstable income from farming brought by unpredictable weather conditions that destroy properties, crops, poultry and livestock.
6. Capacity Building of CPRS
- Establish disaster funds for timely assistance to victims of natural and man-made calamities.
- Facilitate the availment of equipment and facilities needed for rescue operations of the natural and man-made calamity victims
- Initiate the formation of CPRS core of volunteers for more effective provision of various services to victims especially during the natural and man-made calamities
- Launch various education and trainings to develop staff capacity, potentials and dedication in the rendition of services especially during disaster situations which endanger the lives of the populace.
No. 16, San Juan St. Prk. Tambi Palad, Brgy. 10, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. (034) 709-1126
E-mail: cprs2003@yahoo.com.ph
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