Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN)
The Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN) is a network of 17 disaster management and social development agencies from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The members of CDRN are united in the promotion and implementation of Community-Based Disaster Management (CBDM) in the Philippines.
The Citizens’ Disaster Response Center functions as the secretariat of the network, the structural foundation of CDRC’s nationwide campaigns.
Members of CDRN

Established in 2009, the Ilocos Center for Research, Empowerment and Development (ICRED) is a non-governmental organization that works directly with communities regarding disaster risk reduction management and food security.
Our four main desks are (1) training and organizing, (2) research and advocacy, (3) relief and rehabilitation, and (4) projects.
The ICRED is a Regional Center of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center (CDRC) and is a member of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN) and the Philippine Network of Food Security Programmes (PNFSP).
ICRED’s work has produced Disaster Preparedness Committees (DPCs) in Peoples’ Organizations and communities all throughout the Ilocos Region as a result of community-based disaster management (CBDM). These DPCs have created their own Counter Disaster Plans that have been proven effective especially during times of disaster.
182 Bonifacio, Brgy. 22, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Tel. No. (077) 7722932
Known then as the Montanosa Relief and Rehabilitation Foundation Services Incorporated or MRRS, Inc., the Cordillera Disaster Response and Development Services (CorDisRDS) of today was born in the aftermath of the June 1987 Earthquake which brought disaster to scores of villages in three provinces of the Cordillera Region of Northern Luzon, here in the Philippines.
In response to the disaster and to government inaction, several non-government and cause-oriented organization went on a fact finding and relief mission to the affected areas.
They assessed the impact of the earthquake and extended immediate assistance. Shortly afterwards, they resolved to set up a regular mechanism for disaster response in the Cordillera. This started the process, which led to the formation of the CorDisRDS (then MRRS).
CorDisRDS has served more than two decades now. An evaluation, the summing up and drawing of lesson in service has merited a reorganization and expansion of the program. Thus, adopting a scope of work that is not only disaster response but a more holistic community development service and also renaming it the CorDisRDS.
CorDisRDS continues to extend its services to the communities of the cordillera provinces: Apayao, Kalinga, Abra, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Benguet and the City of Baguio.
The CDRDS, Inc. Envisions a Cordillera Region where:
- The people can effectively manage disasters or emergencies that befall them;
- Communities are able to exercise self-reliance and self-determination;
- Communities are able to control, utilize and nurture their natural resources to sustain the present and future generations;
- Communities are able to maximize their indigenous socio-ppolitical institutions, where both women and men meaningfully participate in decision-making process;
- The people enjoy equitable access to socio-economic and socio-cultural opportunities and services;
- Communities are food sufficient and the basic human rights to food is met;
- The people can take pride in their cultural heritage and identity;
- The people live in peace and unity.
- The CDRDS, Inc. Supports the Cordillera people’s collective effort to address the problem of disaster vulnerability and increase their capability through citizen-based, development-oriented disaster response.
- To assist the organized vulnerable sectors of the Cordillera population in the fields of disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation, and in terms of rehabilitation work.
- To mobilize those sectors of Cordillera society, who are less vulnerable to disaster towards providing support for the more vulnerable ones.
- The CDRDS is also commited to enhancing the capacity of communities in sustainable socio-economic and agricultural development in the Cordillera indigenous culture, even in the absence of disaster.
The CDRDS Believes:
- In reliance on people’s capacity and cooperative action;
- I pro-active disaster response within a sustainable development framework;
- In stewardship of the earth and its resources;
- In respect for indigenous peoples’ rights;
- In gender equity and equality.
119 Purok 1, Guisad Surong, Brgy. Guisad, Baguio City
Tel. No. (077) 772 2932
The Southern Tagalog People’s Response Center (STPRC) is a non-stock, non-profit organization established and governed by grassroots People’s Organizations as an alternative people-centered and people-managed Disaster Mitigation and Response-focused program in the Southern Tagalog Region of the Philippines.
Apartment E, Deomampo Apt., Umali Subd., Brgy Batong Malaki, Los Banos, Laguna
TABI remains as the only institution in the Bicol Region addressing natural and human-made disasters through community-based disaster management and health programs. For more than twenty years now, TABI has implemented programs and services directed at disaster risk reduction, emergency response, rehabilitation and community development.
The community-level Disaster Response Committees (DRCs) and Community Health Workers committees (CHWs) are the indispensable partners of TABI in its endeavors. TABI’ s network of DRCs in more than 100 communities covering half of the municipalities in the region is the broadest grassroots initiative for disaster management in the Bicol Region.
The DRCs, composed of 10-15 members, are trained on Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Capacities Assessment and on Damages, Needs, and Capacities Assessment (DNCA) in their respective areas. In more than two decades of community-based disaster management practice, TABI and its DRC partners have contributed numerous village-level hazard maps and counter-disaster plans. In most cases, these are adopted by the Barangay (village) Councils as part of their official disaster management plan.
TABI pioneered in grassroots disaster risk reduction education and training in the region. It has developed its own Community-Based Disaster Management Training Module that includes courses on Disaster Management Orientation, Disaster Preparedness Training, Emergency Response, and Disaster Information System.
Through these years, TABI has built partnerships with various international funding organizations and has managed official development assistance (ODA) funds. Some examples of these partnerships are: relief and rehab programs for survivors of Mayon eruptions in 2001 and 2006, with Oxfam-UK and UNICEF, respectively; relief and rehab for typhoon survivors, with Caritas Neerlandica and Caritas Sweden; community-based health program (1986-2002), with Oxfam-Australia; rehab program for children in situations of armed conflict (1992-1996), with UNICEF; and a flood preparedness program, with Caritas Switzerland.
TABI is a registered non-profit, non-stock social welfare agency. It is an affiliate of Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN) and a member of the Council for Health and Development (CHD).
We, in TABI, envision a just, humane, and prosperous society:
- Where the people equitably share in the nation’s wealth, have access to basic services, and are self-reliant;
- Where the people are free to chart the course their society takes, meaningfully participate in decision-making, and enjoy a
- credible government;
- Whose people pride themselves in their cultural heritage and positive values;
- Which enjoys the blessings of a healthy environment and abundant natural resources; and
- Where people possess the utmost capacity to cope with hazards both natural and human-made.
To assist in increasing the capability of the marginalized sectors in the Bicol Region to cope with the effects of natural calamities such as typhoons, landslides, floods, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes as well as address the issues of poverty, armed conflict, environmental degradation and appalling health condition.
We do this through a community-based development-oriented disaster management and community-based health program.
- To conduct immediate delivery of relief and rehabilitation assistance to survivors of calamities, both natural and manmade;
- To assist the marginalized sectors in the region to develop and improve their socioeconomic well-being;
- To initiate and support the vulnerable sectors/groups’ activities for disaster preparedness; and
- To mobilize and unite the greatest number of people to extend material, technical, financial and moral support to survivors of disasters and to coordinate with other groups with similar objectives and orientation.
- ONENESS with the survivors, their problems and concerns and those of the communities to which they belong;
- SELF-RELIANCE; i.e. to help survivors so they can eventually help themselves and the community around them, letting them realize their own potentials as persons and communities;
- GENUINE SERVICE, to serve without thought of self-interest or recognition but the well-being of the survivors and the society to which they belong;
- COMMITMENT to the cause of the poor, deprived and oppressed Bicolanos in general
1. Relief Operation and Rehabilitation Program (RORP)
- Provides emergency relief assistance to the most affected but least served disaster survivors
- Supports rehabilitation initiatives of the survivors in the form of projects such as housing and livelihood program in selected communities
- Conducts special services to children in situations of armed conflict (CSAC) such as psycho-social rehabilitation activities, supplementary feeding, etc.
2. Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Program (DMPP)
- Assists in the setting-up of community-based health care program in the rural areas
- Undertakes food security and nutrition improvement programs in the most depressed areas
- Supports organizing of community health workers or CHWs and the formation of disasters response committees or DRCs as partners in community development work
- Launches capability building activities for People’s Organizations (PO) and the communities
3. Research, Education and Documentation Program (REDP)
- Conducts education and training on disaster management, emergency response, preparedness, and community health
- Organizes documentation, public information and advocacy work to promote greater awareness and participation on disaster concerns among the community
- Engages in research regarding disaster risk information; documents disaster occurrences and coping strategies of communities
- Publishes an up-to-date regional profile of disaster risks and the coping capacities of communities in Bicol
4. Network Building and Social Marketing (NBSM)
- Establishes linkages and coordination with GOs and other NGOs for mutual cooperation towards the enhancement of services to the people
- Conducts school and community visits to impart disaster risk reduction information and gather support for disaster survivors
- Facilitates the community integration of local and international partners and friends
- Initiates organizing and mobilization of volunteers to assist in the delivery of services to the people
Office Address: Rev. David P. Asuto Bicol Disaster Management Center, 49 First Park Subdivision, Brgy. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay 4501 Philippines
Telefax. (+6352) 483 24 53
Mankind has been witnessing devastations day by day at catastrophic proportions causing unprecedented loss of lives and properties the world over due to global warming and climate change, indicating how degraded the integrity and carrying capacity of Mother Earth. Yet, despite this condition, the Global Footprint Network reported that “we are demanding nature’s services using its resources and creating CO2 emissions – at a rate 44% faster than what nature can regenerate and reabsorb.” This explains why global warming and climate change worsen far faster than predicted.
In the Philippines, news reports have proven the country is among the world’s top disaster-prone to landslides, mudslides, flash floods, storm surge, tornadoes, earthquakes and long dry-spell being within the Western North Pacific Basin and within the Pacific Ring of Fire.
The Center for People’s Resources and Services, Inc. (CPRS), a non-stock, nonprofit, non-government development organization in the island of Negros believes that something has to be done to address the country’s vulnerabilities to calamities to save lives and properties.
CPRS envisions itself as a catalyst for change and among the prime-movers in the advancement of the care of Mother Earth and balanced ecology now increasingly threatened by global warming and climate change man-made calamities.
Lay the foundation for the capability-building of communities to respond effecting in times of calamities especially the susceptible ones through adaptation and mitigation measures that will minimize if not totally avoid the loss of lives and properties during disaster situations.
Develop the capacity of CPRS to efficiently and effectively assist the vulnerable communities to prepare and act decisively during calamities in the timely provision of relief and rehabilitation assistance to the calamity victims.
Motivate the people to act resolutely and decisively in the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of the environment as a decisive factor in addressing the catastrophic threats to humanity of the intensifying global warming climate change whose destructions are now increasingly becoming a day-to-day phenomenon worldwide.
Establish a broad front of environmentalist with a concerted program of action being implemented in the care of Mother Earth and in confronting the devastations posed by global warming and climate change.
- Education and Trainings
- Develop the capacity of the communities, groups and people’s organizations working for the enhancement of ecological balance and biological biodiversity conservation.
- Facilitate the conscientization process and participation of sectors, groups and individuals on issues and concerns that affect the people’s well-being
- Raise the capacity of communities, groups and people’s organizations in the adaptation and mitigation before and during calamities
- Relief and Rehabilitation
- Provide timely relief assistance to calamity victims to minimize their sufferings and possible loss of lives.
- Facilitate rehabilitation of communities hardly hit by disasters through the provision of recovery services alongside the spirit of self-reliance.
- Networking and Advocacy
- Raise the people’s awareness on the status of the global environment and their significant role in confronting the issue.
- Forge friendly ties and linkages to worldwide environmentalists to achieve a broader, concerted, and effective action plans for the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of Mother Nature as a shared and indivisible responsibility of one another.
- Research and Documentation
- Gather baseline data relevant to advocacy and care of Mother Earth
- Initiate the Community Resource Profiling of communities especially the vulnerable ones
- Disaster Preparedness of Communities
- Facilitate the formation of Disaster Preparedness Committees and Sub-Committees in calamity-prone communities.
- Assist the communities in the identification and formulation of Counter Disaster Plans which include the possibility of evacuation to safer place on the basis Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (of the identified area).
- Assist the communities in the adaptation and mitigation of their vulnerabilities to minimize or avoid the of lives and properties during disaster situations.
- Assist the communities or people’s organizations in the identification of alternative sources of income in the face of the unstable income from farming brought by unpredictable weather conditions that destroy properties, crops, poultry and livestock.
- Capacity Building of CPRS
- Establish disaster funds for timely assistance to victims of natural and man-made calamities.
- Facilitate the availment of equipment and facilities needed for rescue operations of the natural and man-made calamity victims
- Initiate the formation of CPRS core of volunteers for more effective provision of various services to victims especially during the natural and man-made calamities
- Launch various education and trainings to develop staff capacity, potentials and dedication in the rendition of services especially during disaster situations which endanger the lives of the populace.
No. 16, San Juan St. Prk. Tambi Palad, Brgy. 10, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. (034) 709-1126
The Leyte Center for Development, Inc. (LCDE) is primarily a disaster response non-government and development-oriented organization (NGDO) working towards a citizenry-based disaster response and sustainable community development.
The Center was formerly established in November 1986 as the ILAW Resource Center (IRC). It traced its long standing history to the turbulent Marcos martial law years as the Integrated Lay Workers’ Association (ILAW) which worked towards conscientizing people for self-reliance and empowerment through research and socio-economic services.
It was registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May 1988 as the Leyte Center for Development and Education. In the same year, LCDE became an affiliate of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN), a broad nationwide coalition of disaster response NGDOs.
In April 1992, the Center’s thrust, programs and services shifted from development education to sustainable socio-economic community programs and disaster response/management due to the changing needs and conditions of the region. Thus, it evolved as the Leyte Center for Development, Inc. but retained its original acronym LCDE.
LCDE envisions an Eastern Visayas region where the people and their communities are free and able to decide for themselves on issues that affect them as they actively and meaningfully participate in the total process of developing a truly just and humane Philippine society.
LCDE commits to empower the basic and marginalized sectors and their communities, for them to be disaster prepared and capable in collectively rehabilitating themselves after every disaster and sustaining their efforts towards a better quality of life. In accomplishing this, it will be guided by the principles of –
LCDE commits to empower the basic and marginalized sectors and their communities, for them to be disaster prepared and capable in collectively rehabilitating themselves after every disaster and sustaining their efforts towards a better quality of life. In accomplishing this, it will be guided by the principles of:
- Social responsibility
- Involvement and participation of people as principal actors
- Development oriented disaster response
- Value of relationships & teamwork
- Competence in undertaking services
Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
Preparedness and mitigation activities are geared towards preparing communities before a disaster strikes so that its effects are lessened. Three types of activities are launched to achieve such preparedness: a.) trainings b.) disaster response machinery (DRM) formation c.) socio-economic support services.
LCDE is an active proponent of community based disaster management. This approach stresses on building the capacities of the poor to respond to disasters and address the roots of their vulnerability.
Emergency Response
Emergency response includes activities implemented during disaster or immediately after it strikes in order to save lives and properties and minimize and /or stop the deterioration of the condition of the survivors. Specific activities include disaster monitoring, damage, needs and capacity assessment (DNCA) and Relief Delivery Operations (RDO).
During the post disaster phase, rehabilitation activities are facilitated to help family-survivors recover from the effects brought about by the disaster and thus provide support to the community’s development initiatives. These activities include short term projects which provide initiative benefits like animal, seed and farm tool dispersals as well as small-scale water technology installation which have immediate benefits in terms of farm productivity and household consumption.
Advocacy work of the Center aims to raise awareness of both the vulnerable as well as less vulnerable sectors on issues related to disasters and development both at the local and national levels. Although research and documentation work is primarily intended to provide data and information needs of the different service teams/desks and partner people’s organizations (POs), it will revolve around the aforementioned issues in order to pool material to support the Center’s advocacy efforts. Specific activities include data banking, disaster monitoring and documentation.
Community Health
Alternative health care is vital due to the dearth in government services for the poor. LCDE facilitates the training and development of community health workers as well as herbal medicine promotion.
Since its establishment in 1987, LCDE has since then, been rendering its services to the entire island of Leyte. However on June of 1997, It started to extend its services to the Island of Samar after it was chosen to be the caretaker of CRROS or the Center for the Relief and Rehabilitation of Samar, also a CDRN member.
Brgy. Libertad, Palo, Leyte, Philippines
Tel. No. (053) 3250693
The Bread for Emergency Assistance and Development, Inc. (BREAD) is a non-stock, non-profit and humanitarian organization implementing a community-based and people-oriented disaster preparedness and response action in Caraga Region.
BREAD was established as an alliance to provide assistance for the victims after typhoon Nitang hit some provinces of Northeastern Mindanao (now Caraga) in 1984. With the devastating damage inflicted upon the people, neither the government nor the people’s organizations, and NGOs operating in the region were prepared for this type of disaster situation. Having seen the plight of the victims, some concerned businessmen, professionals and church people who were earlier exposed to NGO work, with the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center, dared to assume this gigantic task of providing relief assistance to the victims. Thus, BREAD and its work for disaster response in the region started.
BREAD was formally established as an emergency relief centre on November 15, 1988. It is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since 1989 and is accredited as a social welfare agency in Caraga by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).
BREAD envisions a transformed Caraga wherein men and women live in solidarity, respecting each other’s faith and cultural heritage, living an abundant life in peace and enjoying a national dignity.
As a social welfare agency, BREAD sees the following as part and parcel of its mission:
- To support the people in organizing themselves in their communities to increase their capacity to prepare for and cope with disasters;
- To facilitate the formation of community-based disaster response machineries to systematize and hasten the delivery of relief services;
- To help rebuild affected communities’ economic resources, commonly used infrastructures and social organization.
- To provide immediate relief and rehabilitation assistance to victims of natural and man-made disasters;
- To draw and encourage concerned individuals, groups and organizations to be advocates of disaster preparedness;
- To establish local as well as international network through which support for disaster preparedness and response campaigns could be channeled and;
- To undertake appropriate and relevant projects to assist disaster victims and vulnerable communities rebuild their resource base towards becoming self-reliant.
The main beneficiaries are the victims of natural and man-made calamities, especially the most vulnerable communities and sectors: peasants, Lumads, fisher folks and urban poor dwellers.
Area of Coverage
BREAD Inc. implements its programs and services in the five (5) provinces in CARAGA Region namely Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur and Dinagat Island.
Programs and Services
Emergency Response
Provide appropriate, immediate emergency assistance to disaster survivors. For this purpose, activities related to generation of support/assistance from various sources at the level of the local, national and international communities will be undertaken.
Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
Conduct of Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Management Trainings and other similar activities and assist the vulnerable communities in formulating and implementing the counter-disaster plans and formation of functional Disaster Preparedness Committees (DPCs) in vulnerable communities.
Rebuilding of damaged economic base ( local infrastructures directly needed in enabling the community to continue with the conduct of their economic activities) and the reactivation of the organizational life of the community which has been disrupted by disaster. The conduct of skills trainings on various alternatives related to food production, food security, livelihood security and nutritional improvement.
Bagong Silang 1, Kaskag, Brgy. Washington
Surigao City, Philippines
DIRECT is a community-based disaster management organization. It was established in 1988 to respond the heightening cases of both natural and human-made disasters in SOCSKSARGEN.
It was registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission as independent organization in August 1991 but was inactive in the years 2003-2005 resulting to cancellation of the registration in the later part of 2006. It was registered again in the same name, mission, vision and goals and areas of coverage in May 24, 2007.
DIRECT’s relief and rehabilitation work is rooted on the belief that people themselves have the growing capacity to respond the difficulties and calamities they experienced and be able to cope from the impending hazards.
DIRECT is one of the regional centers of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN) and the Philippine Network on Food Security (PNSF). We believe that our programs and services must be people-oriented and developmental in approach.
DIRECT envisions a society where the people has the utmost capacity, quality life, free from disasters and oppression, healthy environment and empowered to develop ones potential through community-based disaster management.
DIRECT further envisions women and children who are proud and free to exercise their rights a disaster response that is actively participated in by the people towards sustainable development, liberating and focuses on the increasing capability of the people to disasters and be able to cope with these.
Assist sectors in vulnerable conditions and comprehensively responds to disaster situation and addresses the root causes of their vulnerabilities.
In times of disasters, women and children especially the Indigenous people (tribe) and the least and deprived sector and the people with disabilities as the most needy are the most vulnerable to hazards and disasters; special concern among them is the particular mission of the organization.
Respond and assist the disaster survivors from the most vulnerable sector by rendering relief and rehabilitation assistance, educate and enhance the capacity of the people on disaster related situations, issues, problems and possible intervention to prevent further damages of the hazards.
Respond and assist the disaster survivors from the most vulnerable sector by rendering relief and rehabilitation assistance, educate and enhance the capacity of the people on disaster related situations, issues, problems and possible intervention to prevent further damages of the hazards.
The beneficiaries of DIRECT are the survivors of both natural and human-made disasters. As a non-sectarian institution, benefi ciaries include the most vulnerable sectors such as peasants, indigenous people or Lumad, Moro people, urban poor, small workers and fisher folks, women and children and disabled persons.
- Research, Documentation, Education and Training Program
- Development Assistance Program
- Food Security Program
Carl Maeder Training Center, Purok 7, Sitio Ladol, Alabel, Sarangani
Tel. No. (083) 3048278
The CAGAYAN VALLEY DISASTER RESPONSE CENTER* (CVDRC) is a non-stock non-profit organization serving the most vulnerable sectors who do not have or lack the capacity to protect themselves and overcome the damaging effects of man-made and natural calamities. CVDRC focuses its service on communities in the rural areas by improving their capacities on how to deal with disasters and addressing the root causes of their vulnerabilities.
CVDRC is a non-government organization and a member of Citizens’ Disaster Response Network (CDRN), a federation of 16 regional centers in the Philippines involved in disaster management work. CVDRC pioneered and continues to promote community-based disaster management throughout the region. Established in 1987, CVDRC focuses its assistance to the most affected, least served and most vulnerable sectors of the populace through preparedness and mitigation, emergency relief, and rehabilitation programs. A network of overseas and local supporters enables CVDRC to carry out its programs and in the process help communities increase their disaster management capacities.
CVDRC envisions a just, humane and prosperous society where the people are free to chart the course their society takes by harnessing the country’s resources;
WHERE the people equitably share the nation’s wealth and have access to essential social services, are provided full economic opportunities and in turn, contribute their best for the country’s development.
WHERE people are free to exercise their rights, meaningfully participate in decision making and actively take part in a truly democratic society.
WHOSE people are proud of a rich Filipino culture that mirrors the people’s history and cultural heritage, promotes nationalism and scientific thinking.
WHERE people are responsible in sustaining healthy environment and abundant natural resources.
WHERE people possess the utmost capacity to build disaster-resilient communities through a community-based disaster management.
CVDRC assists the vulnerable sectors to comprehensively respond to disaster situations and addresses the root causes of their vulnerabilities. CVDRC offers itself to the most needy, deprived and poorest segments of Philippine society whose socio-economic conditions make them highly vulnerable to hazards and disasters, giving special attention to children, women, elderly and differently-abled. CVDRC seeks to fulfill this mission through:
- Strengthening the people’s capacities to withstand the effects of disasters;
- Enhancing people’s participation in disaster management;
- Building organizational capacity of the vulnerable sectors through the formation of grassroots disaster preparedness committees (DPCs);
- Raising social awareness through education; and
- Building partnership between vulnerable and less vulnerable sectors
- Equip the vulnerable sectors with disaster management skills necessary to help them prepare and mitigate the damaging effects of disaster;
- Educate the public on major disasters affecting the region;
- Provide direct assistance to disaster-affected communities;
- Provide support to sectoral and local initiatives in building and strengthening their organizational capacities to be able to address the causes of their vulnerabilities; and
- Forge alliance with other organizations and institutions that seek to end widespread poverty, political repression and injustice
Programs & Services
EMERGENCY RESPONSE activities are carried out to arrest further deterioration of life, property and remove affected families from life-threatening situations. Emergency response consists of:
- Conducting Damages, Needs, and Capacities Assessments (DNCA)
- Relief Delivery Operation (RDO)
- Resource Generation
- Evacuation, Search and Rescue
- Medical and Dental Mission
REHABILITATION is designed to rebuild people’s livelihood and strengthen their coping strategies after disasters. It consists of projects like:
- Food Production
- Improving Agricultural Productivity
- Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems
- Water System Installation
- House Repair
- Reforestation
- Rice Milling
- Goat dispersal
- Chicken dispersal
- Farm Tools dispersal
- Seeds dispersal
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND MITIGATION measures are implemented to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities to withstand the damaging effects of disasters. Disaster preparedness and mitigation is done through:
Ladderized Education and Training Program
Community Based Disaster Management
- Disaster Management Orientation
- Disaster Preparedness Training
- Counter Disaster Planning
- Disaster Preparedness Committee
Community Health Workers
- Basic First Aid
- Herbal Preparation and Production
- Psychosocial Therapy
Agricultural Training and Workshop
- Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming
- Agro – Forestry
- Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)
LOCAL PARTNERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT are implemented in establishing and building relationships with local and international donors and partners
- Mobilization of Volunteers supporting disaster-affected population and at-risk communities
- Generation of financial and material resources for the different aspects of community-based disaster management
- Formation of Disaster Volunteer Teams
*Formerly Center for Relief and Rehabilitation Services – Cagayan Valley (CRRS-CV)
81 Calubaquib St., Pallua Norte, Tuguegarao City
Tel. No. (078) 846 2758
ABI works for the realization and strengthening of a regional network of people’s organizations and institutions committed to community-based and development-oriented responses in addressing the vulnerabilities stemming from poverty, powerlessness, environmental degradation and political abuse.
- A free nation, charting its own future, exercising c sovereignty over its territory, controlling and developing its resources for its own needs, existing as co-equal to others in the community of nations;
- A just and democratic society where every member has equitable access to the nation’s wealth, contributes to the production of society’s needs and benefits from the fruit of individual and collective labour; where every individual is given the opportunity to contribute to nation-building by taking active part in articulating the collective interest and in pursuing the collective will;
- A prosperous people striving to develop the potential of man for a full and creative life, free from hunger and disease, from poverty and deprivation, and liberated from the agony and wretchedness that accompany disasters;
- A country whose natural resources are nurtured to sustain life for its people.
To assist in developing the capability of the most vulnerable sectors in society at pursuing community-based and development-oriented responses to disasters and issues;
ALAY-BAYAN, Inc. (ABI) works for the realization and strengthening of a regional network of people’s organizations and institutions committed to community-based and development-oriented responses in addressing the vulnerabilities stemming from poverty, powerlessness, environmental degradation and political abuse.
Disaster Preparedness & Mitigation Program
Aims to assist vulnerable communities develop their capabilities in disaster response management.
Emergency Response Program
Aims to provide immediate assistance to calamity victims that includes provision of food and other essential relief items.
Rehabilitation Program
Aims to assist communities in their efforts to rebuild people’s livelihood after disasters through community-based projects geared towards strengthening self help capacity.
Advocacy Networking & Volunteer Mobilization Program
ABI promotes public awareness on disaster-related issues, press for appropriate government policy and urge prompt action.
ABI establishes relationships with local and international donors and partners for services to the most vulnerable sectors of Central Luzon and mobilizes volunteers among the less vulnerable sectors.
As a FRIEND, you can participate in any of the following activities:
- Formation of disaster volunteer teams: education and training; organizing and mobilizing of volunteers.
- Emergency response work: relief delivery operations, medical missions, management of emergency operation center, disaster monitoring, damage, needs and capacitities assessment.
- Resource generation and networking: fund drives, logistical support.
- Advocacy work: forum and photo exhibits, campaign activities on disaster related issues, fact-finding missions.
- Less vulnerable sectors – Vulnerable sectors partnership program: support for immediate and/or small-scale rehabilitation projects, community support services, exposure and immersion program.
Email us:
Write us: #54 Rue de Paree Street, L&S Subdivision, San Fernando City, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES
Call us: (045) 436.8991
Community Response for Enlightenment, Service and Transformation is a non-government disaster response center based in Metro Manila promoting community based disaster management where people’s participation is the core program. CREST operates through a network of people’s organizations in municipalities of Manila, Pasig, Quezon City, Pasay, Muntinlupa and CAMANAVA and in other disaster-proned areas in Metro Manila. Formally established on June 20, 2005 by community and church leaders and organizations who have long been in the forefront in upholding the rights and welfare of the least served urban poor communities. It started from a movement of people’s organizations rendering relief assistance and community programs. It was SEC registered on October 17, 2005.
CREST envisions a just, humane and peaceful society where people are living securely, free to harness and utilize the country’s natural resources for the common good and be able to develop their full potentials enjoying the benefits of their fundamental rights for transformation and development.
CREST aims to contribute in the process of reducing vulnerabilities and increasing capacities of the most vulnerable sector of the society through helping them rely on their own collective initiatives, develops and makes use of their skills and talents and become productive members of society.
It aims to mobilize support for the needy, promotes awareness and contributes to addressing the root cause of their vulnerability and responds to disaster situation.
CREST started from a movement of people’s organizations rendering community development programs, advocacy on different issues including promotion of human rigths especially on the issue against demolition of urban poor communities, peoples’ empowerment like leadership training and capability development and relief assistance to high risk areas in Metro Manila or the National Capital Region-NCR. Founded in 2004 by community leaders and organizations based in Metro Manila who have long been in the forefront in upholding the rights and welfare of the least served urban poor communities. These leaders came to realize in the latter part of 2003 that an institution should be established to address the problems of the communities’ social, economic and cultural aspects for transformation and development. With the support of our network from different local Churches and other adocates, CREST was formally established and registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission in June 20, 2005
It aims to contribute in the process of reducing vulnerabilities and increasing capacities of the most vulnerable sector of the society through helping them rely on their own collective initiatives, develops and makes use of their skills and talents and become productive members of society.
Seeks and mobilizes support for the needy, promotes awareness and contributes to addressing the root cause of their vulnerability and responds to disaster situation.
Last June 2007, CREST was invited to be a member of Citizens Disaster Response Network-CDRN the nation wide network of relief and rehabilitation NGO, peoples organization and individuals. On the same year, CREST took part in the formation of Anti Child Pornography Alliance.
The CREST has ties and cooperation, which include activities and campaigns as well as partnership in projects, to various people’s organizations in the NCR, some local churches and leaders of the United Church of Christ of the Philippines, the office of Student Affairs of the Philippine Christian University, some local churches, programs and institutions and personages of the Archdiocese of Manila of the Roman Catholic Church, offices of some officials of the city government of Manila and some members of congress, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), COSCA of the De la Salle University, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) of the Roman Catholic Church and the last International Observers’ Mission (IOM) in the elections of 2007 , the Anti-child Pornography Alliance among others. Partnership in projects include advocacy on issues against violence on women and children, anti-child pornography, feeding programs for malnourished children, relief operations and disaster management trainings, setting up and operating day care centers, , voters’ education and campaigns against electoral fraud. CREST maintains 30 volunteers from 5 network peoples organizations in 5 major city in NCR, in urban poor communities especially in Tondo, Manila , one of the biggest concentration of the urban poor in the NCR, other communities in Manila like Sampaloc and Pandacan and in the Caloocan-Malabon-Navotas-Valenzuela area (CAMANAVA), Pasig and Quezon City.
Office Address: Rm 310 SCC Building, Communication Foundation for Asia Compound, 4427 Old Sta Mesa Road, Manila, Philippines
Tel. No. (632) 242 5384
Social Networks:
CRRC is a private non-stock, non-profit, community-based and development-oriented agency. Its primary concern is the capacitating of vulnerable communities in addressing their vulnerabilities and to extend relief and rehabilitation services to the marginalized sectors victimized and or displaced by natural calamities and man-made disasters.
CRRC covers the provinces of Cebu and Bohol. It relates with an organized group of displaced families and people’s organizations in disaster-prone and afflicted areas.
Principal beneficiaries of CRRC are the marginalized sectors (farmers, workers, fisherfolks, urban poor, women and children) displaced due to the natural calamities and/or man-made disasters.
Villegas Compound, S. Alaura Rd., Kabajar St. Brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu City
Tel. No. (032) 239-2614
The Panay Center for Disaster Response, Inc. (PCDR) is a non-stock non- profit disaster response organization which serves vulnerable sectors of natural and man-made calamities. Through its organizing and advocacy work among the less vulnerable sector, PCDR maintains a pool of committed volunteers to carry on the different aspects of disaster response. PCDR generates the broadest support for its programs. It develops local and international linkages to increase its capacity to respond to calamities in ways which are most meaningful to the victims.
PCDR is an active member of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Network, a broad network of disaster management NGOs committed to serving the vulnerable sectors using the community-based disaster management approach.
The past years were times of calamities. In November 1984, typhoon “Undang” and “Nitang” unleashed their fury on the hapless island of Panay, laying waste vast tracts of agricultural lands, fishponds and residential areas. Property lost and destroyed, estimated at more than 23 million pesos. So, widespread was the damage that relief operations initiated by the non-governmental organizations, government agencies and volunteer groups were certainly inadequate at the same time militarization struck the countryside in the government’s counter-insurgency drive. Massive worth of property were damaged, livelihood lost but the more harmful effect was in terms of lives shattered as countless fled from their homes for safer places. Fact-finding and relief missions conducted by the human rights groups, service-oriented institutions and peoples organization were of great support to the people affected but, these however remain palliative measures to address the most immediate of needs. These facts brought to the front the need for a program of relief and rehabilitation based on the strength of the community in Panay a program that does not limit its services to victims of natural disasters but also to victims of man-caused disasters. Such program should be a continuing endeavor with the strong support of the less vulnerable sectors.
So, in August 1985, a consultation was held between Ecumenical Regional Development Assistance (ERDA) a church based institution and Organic Farm Field Experimentation Research Station (OFFERS-Panay) a service institution for farmers, regarding the relief and rehab institutional work and would link up and coordinate with other institutions. It was then that CREED was put up, but later the name was changed to CRREED. In January 1996, CRREED received a monthly support of 10,000 pesos from CDRC for six months. CDRC came to Panay and gave an orientation on relief and rehab work. After six months of operations CRREED ran out its operational funds but there was an urgency of their services. The BOD members agreed to a monthly monetary contribution to defray the operational expenses. CRREED office temporarily transferred to the house of a member of the Board. On its second year of existence since August 1995, the institution had been operating mainly on board’s contributions, donations of friends and concerned individuals.
CRREED establishes linkages with individuals, groups, and the various organizations in its area of operation. It spearheads the establishment of the Network for Disaster Response – Panay with 22 member institutions and peoples organizations. The formation of Network for Disaster Response-Panay, provides additional strength in the delivery of program services in terms of human and resource finance generation and mobilization.
In the past oil spill disaster campaign in Guimaras island, CRREED is in the forefront of the broad alliance, Save our Lives! Save our Seas! (SOS) – Panay and Guimaras. It has led the delivery of immediate relief services in the island and through its various visits in the area. CRREED has seen first hand the situation, assessed the immediate needs and identified what remain to be done in the long term effort. It was the first time that CRREED was faced with an oil spill disaster from a sunken ship and helped rehabilitating the community through livelihood projects.
CRREED have extensive experience in rehabilitation of rural farmer communities, especially with the indigenous people. Likewise, it is in the forefront of the five-year rehabilitation project on Food Security, Nutrition and Improvement Program I, II & III (FSNIP I, II &III) implementing in the provinces of Capiz and Northern part of Antique.
After 22 years of existence, majority of the members of the Board were migrated in other countries, due to its vacuum in positions the remaining three BOD members and staff decided to fill-in the vacancy and make a new name a little bit shorter than CRREED. It was then that Panay Center for Disaster Response, (PCDR) Inc. was born on April 2008 with nine (9) BOD members. PCDR was registered in SEC on June 19, 2008.
Last June 2008, when typhoon Frank ( FengShen) hit panay island PCDR was able to launch a Task Force “Buliganay” for the victims of typhoon Frank. (Buliganay means helping one another) This Task Force Buliganay spearheaded the clean up activity in districts of Jaro, Mandurriao, Lapaz and Molo, Iloilo City and other municipalities of Iloilio Province. This was a packaged activity of Relief Delivery Operation in the whole island of Panay.
PCDR distributed food and non-food items to more than 5,000 affected families in the province of Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo and Antique. They were Women, Fisherfolk, Farmers, Farm workers, Urban poor, Drivers and Church people.
- Where people have effective control of their lives.
- Where they are prepared, responsive and resilient in times of disasters.
- Where they can independently chart their progressive and ecologically balance future.
- To assist affected and vulnerable communities and sectors in coping with disasters.
- To bring about the realization of people-based and people-oriented disaster response in the communities.
- For Panay Center for Disaster Response, Inc. (PCDR) to become an effective partner of communities in disaster preparedness and response.
- For PCDR to be a recognized and respected NGO on disaster response works in Panay.
- Organize Disaster Preparedness Committee
- Disaster needs capacities assessment
- Networking with GOs and NGOs
- Resource mobilization
- Education and trainings related to disasters
- Publication in all sorts of media
- Reliance on the people’s capacity and creative responses.
- Premium on disaster preparedness
- Sustainability of programs and Projects.
- Stewardship of the earth and its resources
1. Food Security Nutrition and Improvement Program (FSNIP I-III)
- Caritas Neerlandica (CN)
- Dutch Inter-Church Aid
- Netherlands Government
2. Preparedness Support Program
- Dutch Relief and Rehabilitation Agency
3. El-Niño Services
- Diakoniches Werk
4. Measures to mitigate the impact of oil spill on fisher folks, off the coast of Guimaras
- Canada Fund
5. Upholding the Rights & Welfare of Children & Women affected by armed conflict
6. Major Emergency Assistance for Victims of Typhoon Frank
- Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
Panday Bulig (PB) is a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization that promotes community-based disaster management in Northern Mindanao. PB operates particularly in the province of Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, parts of Agusan del Norte and Agusan del Sur through people’s organizations. When Taking Roots Again Project of Aid to the Uprooted People’s Program of the European Union launched, Bread for Emergency, Assistance and Development (BREAD) and Citizens Disaster Response Center (CDRC) came to an idea of establishing a separate NGO services the said areas to particularize the implementation in January 2005. PB is a member of Citizens Disaster Response Network (CDRN).
It is a network of different disaster response centers nationwide. PB focuses its assistance to the most affected, least served and most vulnerable sectors of the populace through preparedness and mitigation, emergency relief and rehabilitation programs. PB has responded minor disaster happened in Agusan del Norte and Bukidnon in 2005 and 2006 and in Iligan last 2007 and 2008 through Relief and Medical Missions with Psychosocial activities especially to children. PB co-implemented a Disaster Mitigation Project of Canada Fund for Local Initiatives with Mindanao Farmers Resource Center (MFRC) in Misamis Oriental last 2007-2008.
Panday Bulig envisions a prosperous society built upon the labor of peoples who share and access equitably the country’s material and human resources. Where people freely exercise their equal rights and meaningfully participate in charting the course of the nation. Where people responsibly sustain the environments’ health and resources while possessing the capacity to build disaster resilient communities through community-based disaster management approach.
As a relief and rehabilitation center, Panday Bulig assist the vulnerable sectors to comprehensively respond to disaster situation and addresses the root causes of their vulnerabilities. Panday Bulig offers itself to the neediest, deprived and poorest sectors here in Northern Mindanao Region, whose socio-economic conditions make them highly vulnerable to hazards and disasters, giving special attention to children, women, elderly and the differently abled. Panday Bulig seeks to fulfill this mission through:
1. Promotion of the people’s participationwithin the marginalized and vulnerable sectors in disaster preparedness, mitigation and management, through the formation of community-based disaster preparedness committees.
2. Raise environmental and social awareness and capacity building through education.
3. Responds to Natural and Man-made disasters by facilitating relief, emergency response and rehabilitation, including mitigation for environmental factors.
4. Establish partnerships with local and international donors and develop networks for vulnerable and less vulnerable sectors.
Emergency Response
Emergency response activities are carried out to arrest further deterioration of life, property and remove affected families from life threatening situation. Emergency response activities consist of:
- Conducting Damage, Needs and Capacities Assessments (DNCA)
- Evacuation, search and rescue
- Relief Delivery Operation
- Resource Generation
Rehabilitation is designed to rebuild people’s livelihood and strengthen their coping strategies after disasters. It consists of projects like:
- Food production and livelihood projects
- Improving agricultural and sea-resources productivity.
- Water system installation
- House repair Reforestation
Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation measures are implemented to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities to withstand the damaging effects of disasters. Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation is done through:
- Ladderized Education and Training Program
- Special Community Based projects like Food Security and Nutrition Improvement Program (FSNIP)
- Formation of Disaster Preparedness Committees
Partnership Development
Partnership development means establishing and building relationships with local and international donors and partners.
- Mobilization of volunteers supporting disaster affected population and at-risk communities.
- Generation of financial and materials resources for the different aspects of community-based disaster management.
- Formation of the quick reaction and disaster volunteer teams
Research, Advocacy and Public Information
Aims to build public awareness on disaster-related issues, press for appropriate government policy and urge prompt action. It involves in:
- Social mobilization and networking
- Research, documentation, disaster monitoring and data banking
- Awareness raining projects
Panday Bulig Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Center Tabang Mindanao Center
Door 2 Tan Apartment, 21-25th Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City
Tel. No. (08822) 856-6413
Email address:
The KADAIT Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit, non-governmental disaster response institution which seeks the prevention, mitigation and control of the damaging effects of disaster with emphasis on rehabilitative intervention. It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission to implement relief and rehabilitation, preparedness and mitigation programs.
- Founded as Halad (Humanitarian Alliance Against Disaster) West after a successful relief operation to fire survivors in Ozamiz City.
- Conducted relief operation in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibuguey after the famous Abu Sayyaf has ransacked the whole town.
- Implemented the Fatima Mini Irrigation and Organic Farming Development Project which has benefited 250 families’ farmers in Fatima, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur.
- Implemented the Food Security and Nutrition Improvement Program which has benefited a total of 1,020 families.
- Conducted relief operation to IDP’s in Mindanao during the all-out-war campaign of the Estrada Administration
- Conducted relief operation caused by mass deportation of Filipinos from Malaysia to Basilan.
- Conducted relief delivery operation in Sulu after a massive displacement caused by all-out-war in Sulu.
- Implemented the Taking Roots Again Project under the Aid Uprooted People Program of the European Union which has benefited a total of 6,278 internally displaced Christian, indigenous people and moro families
- Enhancing Capacities and Fostering Partnerships for disaster Preparedness in Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte. The project aims to systematize and improve the capacities of the local disaster response coordinating council for effective disaster management.
- Participated in the relief and medical mission to internally displaced people in Kolambugan, and Poona Piagapo Lanao del Norte
- Founding member of the Ecumenical and Institutional Support Services Network in Ozamiz City.
- Strengthening and consolidation of partners People’s Organization in 16 communities.
From a humble beginning as a relief and rehabilitation-centered institution Halad West has dynamically evolved itself to respond to challenges confronting the Western Mindanao Region, Misamis Occidental and Lanao del Norte. Faced by the issues of deep seated poverty, internal displacements, environmental degradation and human rights violations, Halad remain firm and steadfast in its commitment to work for truly empowered and disaster-resilient communities. After an internal evaluation in January 2006 Halad has taken a bold move to broaden itself and proactively respond to the development challenges in the region by reinventing itself as Kadait-Halad (Humanitarian Alliance for Aid and Development) West . It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as Kadait. “Kadait”is the cebuano word for “solidarity”. It will also be the core strategy of the organization’s development work. Kadait will remain as an alliance of civic minded and humanitarian individuals and organizations, aid service delivery institution and taking community development as its core vision.
The group envisions a just, humane and prosperous society where people equitably share in the nation’s wealth, have access to basic services and are self-reliant; a society where people meaningfully participate in a decision making and enjoy a credible government; a society whose people pride themselves in their cultural heritage and positive values; and a society that enjoys the blessings of a healthy environment and abundant natural resources.
Its mission is to assist in increasing the organized sector’s capacity to address the issues of poverty, environmental degradation, and internal displacement. It seeks the realization of the community-based disaster management program through the organization and development of a national network of similarly oriented institutions.
The KADAIT is guided by the principles of reliance on people’s capacity and creative response, premium on disaster preparedness, and sustainability of the earth’s resources.
The KADAIT delivers relief aid, such as food, clothing, shelter materials and medical supplies to disaster survivors. It provides technical and financial assistance to sectors and communities requiring rehabilitation projects and launches educational activities and campaigns to facilitate the raising of people’s consciousness about specific problems related to disaster.
1. Integrated Community Development Program
ICDM program assist impoverished communities by supporting locally initiated activities, especially those operated by women, indigenous people, marginalized farmers and internally displaced people.
Projects include:
- Installation of potable water system
- Food Production through sustainable agriculture
- Income generating activities through putting-up of livelihood projects, community corn mill, rice threshers, corn-shellers and hand tractors.
- Animal dispersals
- Livelihood enterprise
- Advocacy for policy reforms
2. Community-Based Disaster Response Management Program
CBDM program aims to enhance and strengthen the capacity of vulnerable communities to prepare for, cope with and mitigate the effects of disasters.
Activities consist of:
- Education and training program on disaster preparedness
- Municipal and barangay risk assessments and counter disaster planning
- Strengthening the capacities of the Municipal and Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council
- Formation of disaster preparedness committees
3. Partnership and Advocacy Program
PAP builds the broadest possible partnership between the vulnerable and less vulnerable sectors of society. Hence, networking and partnership building efforts among government institutions, non-governmental entities, international donors, academic community and individuals are given emphasis. Thus, activities on volunteer formation; resource generation are carried out. We also release newsletters and publications on timely issues confronting the Philippine society.
4. Environmental Protection Program
EPP to strengthen local communities to address the issues of environmental degradation, and or destruction of the environment such as the mining phenomenon we help communities to develop their capacity to engage in direct community action to confront the causes and immediate effects of environmental problems. Activities are:
- Education, training and information drive
- Tree planting and reforestation
- Children’s Enviromental Awareness Summer camp
D-7 Giok-Ay Vill., Baybay Maninngol, Ozamiz City
Tel. No. (088) 521-52-90
The political turmoil that hit the country worsen in the late 60’s and was greatly felt in war-torn Mindanao with the all-out war against the communist insurgents and the Muslim secessionists. More so, the Muslim-Christian conflict deepens as military personnel composed mostly of Christians are pitted against the Muslims rebels.
Hence in 1971, with the efforts of the Mindanao Catholic Bishops, the Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral Conference (MSPC) was established to help in the unification efforts of its people. Being extensively immersed with Mindanao realities, MSPC basically passed through a dynamic growth and development. MSPC evolved its programs vis-à-vis its expanding concerns and network.
It was in June of 1983, at its 5th Conference in Davao City that representatives of various sectors and faiths from all over Mindanao answered to the demands of the three faiths in the context of Mindanao realities and turned this activity into a momentous birth of the Mindanao Interfaith Peoples Conference (MIPC).
Today, MIPC continues to assume a key place in facilitating the formation of groups and organizations to pursue and strengthen the dream that is a just and peaceful Mindanao of different faiths living together in harmony and respect.
The Mindanao Interfaith People’s Conference (MIPC) has been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation, Inc. (MISFI) with SEC registration # 00270.
MISFI is the MIPC secretariat since 1983. It acts out the mandate of the General Assembly that approves the over-all thrust of MIPC.
MIPC envisions a society free from social inequities, poverty and foreign aggression and a society working towards total human liberation where people are able to live out their full potentials and aspiration, exercise their faith freely and work as responsible builders of wealth and progress.
MIPC is an aggrupation of non-government nationalist development organizations and peoples organizations in Mindanao that acts as a service institution committed to the Mindanao tri-people poor of Lumads, Moro and lowland Christian communities through various capacity, conscious of the interfaith dimension of social development work.
1. To realize liberating ethno-linguistic heritage and aspirations of Mindanao’s tri-people poor Moro, Lumad and majority Filipino.
2. To develop homegrown solidarity groups of grassroots sectors such as farmers, semi-skilled seasonal workers, urban poor and lowly professionals.
3. To strengthen international relations that facilitate the creation of mechanisms of support for the tri-people poor’s needs, responses and rights assertion.
advocacy and campaign
- understanding liberating thrusts of living faiths in Mindanao
- articulation of ethno-linguistic heritage and aspirations of the tri-people poor Lumad, Moro and majority Filipino.
direct action
- provision of direct services for the grassroots, creating alternative programs with them in response to particular needs of the most vulnerable sectors.
international partnership and exchange
- Maintaining conduit for international and cultural tour packages with the grassroots peoples that project and inspire self-determination.
Project Development
MIPC responds to the needs of the people especially in the hinterland communities by way of capability building and developing their capacity to overcome vulnerabilities in times of disasters. Part of such component is the ongoing ACTION REPAIR project
Literacy/Numeracy Program
MIPC also responds to the educational needs in the hinterlands by preparing the children and adult with basic educational tools right in their own communities where they are at ease and cost saving for them. The program utilizes indigenous materials and methods to suit the students. So far, 10 Moro and indigenous communities are privileged of such unique education module, which is highly appreciated by the affected local government.
Interfaith Trialogue, Partnership and Cooperation
MIPC holds interfaith trialogue to promote solidarity, cooperation and mutual support for the tri-peoples aspiration. Through fora, symposia, interfaith celebration and prayer, and workshops, MIPC hopes to promote active awareness on generations-old animosities in Mindanao and a clear understanding on the Lumads and Moro rights to self-determination.
Solidarity Exposure and Education in Mindanao
MIPC invites and accommodates friends abroad who are interested to experience the lives of Mindanao’s tri-people poor. The program seeks to project Mindanao issues and concerns by immersion in the area. The program also organizes itinerary of Mindanao social landscape and offer a better understanding of prevailing issues that affect Mindanao like the Moro conflict, the backward, feudalistic Mindanao agriculture, and the human genome project affecting the Lumads.
Information Technology Services for the People
MIPC promotes access and strengthens the cooperative relations especially with the global media by gathering data, studies, researches and other pressing issues on local situation and events and disseminating it for international projection, while publishing other educational and campaign materials for wider dissemination and support. MIPC also maintains an extensive PHOTOBANK that stores pictures from way back the notorious Martial Law Era.
Purok 8, San Miguel, Brgy. Indangan, Buhangin District, Davao City 8000, Philippines
P.O. Box 81308
Telefax: (6382) 225-0743
Mobile: +63 915 908 4813 / +63 929 722 8808