June 15-17, 2016 – Partners composed of the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center Foundation, Inc. (#CDRC), Southern Tagalog People’s Response Center (#STPRC), Center for People’s Resources and Services (#CPRS), #Panay Center for Disaster Response (#PCDR) and #action medeor gather at the CDRC Conference Room for a three-day #Interim Workshop which aims to share and monitor each...
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Monitoring of action medeor Project in Mindoro Occidental
13-15 May 2016 – CDRC representative monitors progress of project implementation in Mindoro Occidental. #action medeor and #Aktion Deutschland Hilft (#ADH) support the project Improving Health Care and Disaster Response Capacities in Community-Level in 6 Communities in Mindoro Occidental. Project areas include Brgy. Rumbang in Rizal, Brgy. Central in San Jose, Brgys. San Nicholas and Sibalat...
Framework of Collaboration of Disaster Risk Reduction Stakeholders Towards Resilient Communities
The following paper documents and analyzes the results of Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (#A-PAD) Philippines’ initiatives in one of its pilot areas in the country, Luzon, specifically the #Bicol Region. A-PAD Phils Paper, Albay Office