Upcoming Events


Project Kick-off for Health and DRR Project

7-11 March 2016 – Citizens’ Disaster Response Center Foundation, Inc. (#CDRC), Southern Tagalog People’s Response Center (#STPRC), Center for People’s Resources and Services (#CPRS) and Panay Center for Disaster Response (#PCDR) executive directors and project staff gather at the CDRC Conference Room for Phase 2 of #action medeor and #Aktion Deutschland Hilft (#ADH)-supported project entitled...


Day 1, Project Management Training

8 March 2016 – The #project team and executive management participate in the #Project Management Training to (1) deepen their  working knowledge on project management, (2) be able to make simple monitoring and evaluation tools, and (3) be able to transfer their project management knowledge and skills to people’s organization (PO) partners. This activity is supported by...